ARPA flowchart for pre-approved uses 

ARPA eligibility is determined by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Overview of the Final Rule which enumerates hundreds of possible uses.  Use the flowchart below to determine if your project fits under one of the existing acknowledged uses. If your project doesn’t fit, use the New ARPA Proposal Flowchart

Will the funds be used for... 

  1. Addressing the impacts of covid?  
    Is it addressing an impact of... 

    1. Public health 
      Is the health issue... 

      1. Covid mitigation (p. 14) 
        Responses include: 

        • Vaccination programs 

        • Testing programs 

        • Contact tracing 

        • Public communication 

        • Public health data system 

        • Covid prevention & treatment equipment 

        • PPE 

        • Support for isolation or quarantine 

        • Ventilation systems 

        • Technical assistance for mitigation 

        • Transportation to vaccination sites 

        • Support for mitigation in congregate living facilities, public facilities & schools 

        • Support for prevention and mitigation in small business, nonprofit, industry 

        • Medical facilities for covid 

        • Temporary medical facilities for covid 

        • Emergency operations centers 

        • Public telemedicine for covid 

      2. Medical expenses (p. 15) 
        Responses include: 

        • Unreimbursed expenses for medical care for covid 

        • Paid family and medical leave to comply with covid public health  precautions 

        • Emergency medical response 

        • Treatment of long-term systems for covid 

      3. Behavioral health (p. 15) 
        Responses include: 

        • Treatment  

        • Behavioral health services in schools 

        • Neonatal abstinence syndrome 

        • Support for equitable access to high-quality treatment 

        • Peer groups, recovering housing, suicide prevention 

        • Evidence based services for opioid use 

      4. Preventing or responding to violence (p15) 
        Responses include: 

        • Referrals to trauma recover for crime victims 

        • Community violence interventions & wraparound services 

        • Gun violence enforcement & community policing 

    2. Economic impact? 
      Is the economic impact on... 

      1. Households (pp. 18-20) 
        Is the household... 

        1. Impacted? (low/moderate income, unemployed, food insecure, CHIP eligible, eligible for affordable housing, lost access to in-person education) 
          Responses include (p. 18): 

          • Food assistance 

          • Housing 

          • Health insurance 

          • Survivor benefits 

          • Job training & assistance 

          • Financial services for underbanked 

          • Home repair 

          • Internet 

          • Cash assistance 

          • Paid sick leave 

          • Help accessing public benefits 

          • Childcare 

          • Education addressing learning loss 

          • Housing 

          • Unemployment 

        2. Disparately impacted? low income, qualified census track-5th ward) 
          Responses include (p. 19): 

          • Pay for community health workers to access services 

          • Lead paint remediation 

          • Health facilities for disparities 

          • Housing vouchers 

          • Investments in neighborhood for health outcomes 

          • Improvement to vacant properties 

          • Education to address disparities 

          • Schools 

          • All responses for impacted groups 

      2. Small businesses (p. 21) 
        Is the business.... 

        1. Impacted? (Decreased revenue; financial insecurity; increased cost; capacity to weather financial hardship; challenges covering payroll; rent or operating costs). 
          Responses include: 

          • Loans or grants to mitigate hardships 

          • Technical assistance for business planning 

        2. Disproportionately impacted? (Business in qualified census track, tribal land) 
          Responses include: 

          • Rehab commercial property 

          • Technical assistance, business incubators & grants for startup or expansion 

          • Support for microbusinesses 

      3. Non-profits (p. 23) 
        Is the non-profit... 

        1. Impacted (decreased revenue; financial insecurity; increased costs; capacity to weather hardship; challenges covering payroll, rent, operating costs). 
          Responses include: 

          • Loans or grants 

          • Technical assistance & services to mitigate economic impacts 

        2. Disproportionally impacted (in qualified census track; tribal land) 
          Recipients may identify appropriate response that are related and reasonably proportional 

      4. Impacted industries (p. 24) - such as travel, tourism, or hospitality; industries that were equally impacted; industries that had +8% employment loss 
        Responses include: 

        • Aid to mitigate financial hardship 

        • Technical assistance & services for business planning 

        • Covid 19 mitigation (see public health) 

      5. Public sector capacity (p. 26) 
        Is assistance for... 

        1. Pay for health, safety & human services? 
          Check that staff are eligible, assess time spent on covid, cover payroll & benefits. 

        2. Hiring staff 
          Can fund:  

          • restore pre-pandemic employment levels;  

          • support and retain workers;  

          • administrative costs for hiring 

      6. Effective service delivery (p. 28) 
        Can fund: 

        • program evaluation 

        • Data analysis 

        • technology infrastructure  

        • Community outreach 

        • Capacity building for data & evidence 

        • Administrative costs for covid response 

        • Administrative costs exacerbated by covid 

      7. Capital expenditures (p. 30) 
        Expenditures must address specific harm from covid 

    3. Something else (p. 32) 
      Step 1: Define the group impacted by covid or disproportionally impacted 
      Step 2: Design a response that addresses the impact 

  2. Providing premium pay? (pp. 35-36) 
    Identify eligible frontline worker (p. 35) 
    Verify worker performs essential work (p. 35) 
    Verify pay corresponds to work during the pandemic (p. 36) 

  3. Infrastructure (pp. 37-39) 
    Is infrastructure for... 

    1. Clean water (p. 37) 
      Responses include: 

      • Publicly owned treatment works 

      • Nonpoint source pollution management 

      • Decentralized wastewater treatment 

      • Stormwater treatment 

      • Water conservation 

      • Development of conservation and management plan 

      • Watershed projects 

      • Energy consumption for treatment works 

      • Reuse, recycling of wastewater, stormwater or subsurface drainage 

      • Security of publicly owned treatment works 

    2. Drinking water (p. 37) 
      Responses include: 

      • Facilities to improve drinking water 

      • Transmission and distribution  

      • Replace contaminated drinking water 

      • Green infrastructure (green roofs, rainwater harvesting collection, permeable pavement) 

      • Storage of drinking water 

      • Purchase of water systems and interconnection of systems 

      • New community water systems 

    3. Additional water (p. 38) 
      Responses include: 

      • Culverts; storm sewers & other infrastructure 

      • Infrastructure for access to drinking water; testing; treatment 

      • Dam and reservoir rehabilitation for drinking water 

      • Remediation projects of lead, corrosion, water quality, plumbing 

    4. Broadband (p 39) 
      Responses for providing access to reliable affordable broadband 

  4. Replacing lost public sector revenue (p. 9-11) 
    Calculate expected revenue – actual revenue OR under $10m to spend on government services