Canvassing Training
Participatory budgeting is based on participation. The only way we can get PB to work is if we get people to show up, and that requires talking to strangers and getting them involved.
The main organizing challenge for participatory budgeting is to develop a leadership team that can invite thousands of Evanston Community members to participate through face-to-face asks. Canvassing face-to-face canvassing at large public events, relational organizing, and presenting at partner events are some of the best ways to invite people
This group training will get volunteers started canvassing even if with no prior experience.
If you don’t have time for a group training and just want to train a few people right before a canvassing event, see the canvassing guide.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
Canvass for participatory budgeting
Sign up at least 1 person for PB to vote by canvassing with a more experienced canvasser
Key Messages
When you canvas, you are giving people a choice to make a difference.
Anyone can learn to canvas, the more you do it, the easier and more enjoyable it gets.
Good participatory budgeting canvasing is having a good conversation that helps someone develop an idea they care about and understand how participating can help them advance that idea.
Persuading people to get engaged involves listening, asking questions, and sharing stories.
Prep: 2 weeks
Session: 2h
Post: 30 min
Learn about PB guide
Canvassing guide
Canvassing Training Invitation (Resource 1) - send to volunteer list to add them to the training
Canvassing Training RSVP (Resource 2) — send to volunteers who RSVPd a week before the training, which ask them to read the canvassing guide.
Canvassing Training Reminder (Resource 3) — send a reminder a day before the training.
Canvassing Training Thank You (Resource 4) — send to volunteers thanking them for attending the training. Add links to sign up for a canvassing session to this email.
Laptop & projector
Canvassing scripts - print 1 script for each canvasser and review before the event (updated May 23, 2023)
Canvassing tips - print 1 script for each canvasser and review before the event (updated May 23, 2023)
Slides: pdf (updated May 23, 2023)
Canvass role-play scenarios (Resource 5)
Canvass role-play scenarios + feedback (Resource 6)
Canvassing materials (optional — if you plan to canvass at this session)
Clipboards - 1 for each participant & coach
Pens - 1 for each participant
Signup sheets (see canvassing events) - 1-2 for each participant
T-shirts - 1 for each participant
Canvassing observation sheet — print 1-2 copies for each coach to take notes to give feedback to canvassers
Handbills (see flyers) - 10 to 20 for each participant
(optional) table or cart - if possible, bring a table or cart to your canvassing location to attract attention with posters and swag
(optional) candy, donuts, stickers, pins for canvassers to give out
(optional) poster (see flyers)
Automated Email to Canvassing Signups (Resource 7) - The day before, use this general form or create a NationBuilder form where canvassers can enter their signups to automatically send an email (see Resource 7)
Tracking sheet - record your results on the spreadsheet
Ideally, set a time and place for the training where participants can get out the classroom and try canvassing, then return for a debrief. See organize the canvassing event for steps to setup the event.
You may want to create an event (e.g., on website, NationBuilder, Signup genius) for people to sign up for the training.
Chose an appropriate icebreaker, either from the slides or another source
(Optional) order:
Lyft codes
Child care
I. Welcome
Welcome participants to the session and review the goals and agenda.
II. Icebreaker (10 min)
If participants haven’t met before, take a few minutes to do some of the icebreakers in the slides.
III. (Optional) Overview of PB (15 min)
If participants are new to PB, use the slides to give them an overview of:
What is participatory budgeting
The steps of participatory budgeting
What ARPA money can be spent on
IV. Canvassing
Tell participants:
Goal of canvassing is to sign people up to the mailing list. This allows us to invite them to activities including idea collection (Fall), signing up to be budget delegates (Winter), how to vote (Spring/Summer), and send them updates about PB.
Participatory budgeting is based on participation. The only way we can get PB to work is if we get people to show up
2. Canvassing progress
Share the sign-up progress so far. Explain that almost all of these signups are from canvassing.
3. Why canvass
Tell participants that:
Recruiting people to whom you already have a connection is the best way to start, but after asking everyone you know, you’ll need to start talking to strangers.
Impersonal marketing methods, like social media, newsletters, posters, yard signs help a little, but they are nowhere near as effective in getting people to participate.
Canvassing is the best way to sign up people we don’t already know to participatory budgeting.
4. What is canvassing?
Tell participants that:
In popup canvassing event, we go to a large public event with a clipboard & t-shirts and sometimes other materials like a cart, food, and costumes, and tell people about what participatory budgeting is, and collect emails of people who want to vote, participate or volunteer so that we continue to invite them to participate.
Canvassing is about having a conversation. You listen to people to understand what they care about and help understand how participatory budgeting might help them achieve that.
Ask participants why it’s important to listen.
Then tell them:
Most people haven’t heard about PB and like the idea once they hear about it, so sometimes it's as simple as providing information.
Other times you need to do help them connect their interests to PB. There are many different reasons people might want to participate – maybe they have an idea for how to improve Evanston, maybe they want to get involved in the community, maybe they want to learn how to be a leader or want something to put on their resume. There are many different reasons they have to participate, but they aren’t going to know they can achieve those through PB. Your job is to ask questions and listen to what care about, then offer them an invitation that connects to their values.
This requires engaging people in conversation, listening to what they care about, then showing them how participating can benefit them. It is not just reading off a script.
5. Why participants should canvas
Tell participants about the importance of inviting everyone:
Canvassing requires that you ask everyone – when you choose who to ask, you aren’t evening giving them the opportunity to choose, you’re deciding for them. That’s a big responsibility, and that’s why we’re trying to get everyone involved in outreach.
When you talk to strangers, you are giving them the opportunity to make a difference -- when you don't, you are robbing them of the opportunity to make that choice.
Tell participants about what they personally gain by canvassing:
Learning how to talk to strangers is empowering. Not only will it allow you to successfully organize to improve your community, but it will allow you to be comfortable developing many new relationships, friendships, and connections in your community.
Learning how to talk to strangers is learning how to network--this is a critical skill for anyone who wants to develop their professional and leadership skills.
6. Why participants CAN canvass.
Tell participants:
Most of us find talking to strangers scary at first but remember that no one is born knowing how to do this. It requires many concepts and skills, some of which might be new to you, but ANYONE can learn how to do it. The more you do it, the easier it gets. It becomes fun to get to meet new people, know your community, and get them involved.
We’re here to help you learn one step at a time. We’ll show you how to have a conversation, how to approach strangers, how to answer questions, and how to make it fun for you.
V. How to Canvass
1. Simple script.
Explain that:
When canvassing, you use a script to guide the conversation—you don’t follow the script word for word like a play, but as guidelines for a good conversation. You’ll want to practice the script until you can have the conversation without the script. Use the simple script when you are starting out. Once you’re comfortable canvassing with the simple script, start to add in elements from the Full Script a little bit at a time to make your conversations even better!
Share the simple script with participants.
Demonstrate the script, then ask participant to practice the simple script it in pairs.
2. Full Script
Share the fill script with participants (online or print outs).
Walk through each piece of the full script (also in the Canvassing Guide) and answer any questions:
Hard Ask
Respond to concerns
3. Canvassing tips
Go over each of the canvassing tips (also in the Canvassing Guide):
Practice your pitch
Be safe
Canvas at large social events
Walk up to people!
Ask everyone
Be noticeable
Listen, be curious, ask questions
Asking anyone is a success
Talk shop
VI. Role-play Canvassing Scenarios (30-45 min)
Ask participants to break into pairs. If you have multiple facilitators, or experienced canvassers who can give feedback, you can assign the pairs to each facilitator.
If using paper, hand out the scenarios to the facilitators. Otherwise, you can ask the pairs to form a line with 1 person facing the screen, and the other person with their back to the screen and project the scenarios on the screen.
For each scenario:
Ask 1 person to be the canvasser
Ask the other person to role-play the voter – they can either read the scenario on the handout or view on the screen
Have the pair roleplay the scenario while the facilitator observes
Have the pairs discuss the scenario and facilitator give feedback. If you only have 1 facilitator, you can discuss in a large group.
Have the pairs switch roles and try the same scenario again
Have the pairs discuss how it worked the second time and facilitator give feedback. If you only have 1 facilitator, you can discuss in a large group.
If there are multiple facilitators and the pair needs more practice, they can try the scenario again
Move on to the next scenario
VII. Practice (optional, 1 hour)
If you have the opportunity to canvass immediately after training, share the canvassing locations with participants and assign them to a location
Make sure each participant has the necessary materials such as:
sign-up sheet
(optional) swag or food
(optional) table, 1 per pair or group
Ask participants to go canvassing in pairs and return in an hour.
VIII. Reflect (15 min)
When participants return, show them how to enter their sign-ups into NationBuilder to send their signups an automated email (Resource 1).
Ask participants to answer the following questions in pairs or small groups, then share with the large group:
How did it go? Was it fun? Interesting? Scary?
What was surprising?
What worked? What didn’t?
How can we improve next time?
VII Plan next steps (15 min)
Share any expectations about amount of canvassing with participants and list of next events if available.
Give participants any necessary links for:
signing out equipment
download flyers and sign-up forms
online signup forms
where to upload pictures and information for social media
canvassing locations and policies
Ask if they have any questions about what to do next.
Congratulate participants on taking the first step toward the most fundamental technique of activism and tell them you are looking forward to all the new people they are going to empower.
After the session
Send an email with next steps to participants (Resource 2). You can also do this using a NationBuilder form.
After the training, each new member should write:
A paragraph on what you learned from the training
A rating from 1-5 about how well the training helped them learn
At least 1 I-like & I-wish about the training
You should write a reflection on:
What you did, what worked well, what didn’t work well, and what you will change about the training next time.
Resource 1
Email Template
Canvassing Training Invitation Email
SUBJECT: [RSVP by <DATE>] outreach volunteers needed
Hi [First name or "Friend"],
We're canvassing on <DAY>, <DATE> at <TIME> at <LOCATION>. Can you help us canvass this event? The total time commitment is about <DURATION>.
Please let me know if you can make it by this <DEADLINE>, so that I can send you more information about the event.
Thank you!
Resource 2
Email Template
Canvassing Training RSVP Email
SUBJECT: [<DATE>] outreach volunteer Info
Hi <NAME>,
Thank you for signing up to help with outreach on <DATE>! Below are the volunteering details, but most importantly, please read the Learn about PB and Canvassing guides, and arrive by <TIME>.
What: Canvassing
When: <DAY>, <DATE>, <TIME>
What to bring: PB Evanston t-shirt, if you already got one
How to prepare: Read the Canvassing Guide
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or come earlier than <TIME> to talk in person.
Thank you and see you soon!
Resource 3
Email Template
Canvassing Training Reminder
SUBJECT: [TOMORROW] canvassing
Hi <NAME>,
Thank you for signing up to help with the canvassing on <DATE>! Below are the details, but most importantly, please read the Learn about PB and Canvassing guides, and arrive by <TIME>.
What: Canvassing
When: <DAY>, <DATE>, <TIME>
What to bring: PB Evanston t-shirt, if you already got one
How to prepare: Read the Canvassing Guide
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or come earlier than <TIME> to talk in person.
Thank you and see you soon!
Resource 4
Email Template
Canvassing Training Thank You
SUBJECT: Thank you!
Hi <volunteer name>,
Thank you so much for canvassing training yesterday!
<if they went canvassing> Because of you, we signed up <#> new people for PB -- that's huge!! Hope you had fun and learned a bit more about the community :)
Now that you are a canvassing expert, we really need your help to invite people to participate in PB by doing the 2 next steps:
1. Invite 5 friends to register for PB
You can use this email template:
Hi <<friend>>,
I just registered to vote for Evanston’s Participatory budgeting process: https://forms.office.com/r/AHFNtqf0Va and thought you might want to sign up too.
The city has given us $3m to decide how to spend on affordable housing, environment, education, mental health — anything to make Evanston better. Community members have already submitted and developed ideas, and we’ll vote on which ones to fund this September. You can find out more at pbevanston.org and the City's website including the ideas currently being developed.
Please sign up at https://forms.office.com/r/AHFNtqf0Va!
2. Sign up for a canvassing session
After inviting friends, the next best way to invite people is through canvassing. Grab a clipboard & pen, and print out the <simple script> <signup sheet> and <Dec 10 flyer> to canvass people at lunchtime.
If you didn’t get a chance to attend the training, you can read the canvassing guide.
Thank you and see you again soon!
<your name>
Resource 7
Email Template
Automated Email to Canvassing Signups
During Idea collection:
Hi <First name>,
Thank you so much for signing up for participatory budgeting!
Would you like to submit your ideas of how Evanston should spend $3M? We're hosting a series of idea collection assemblies around the city where you can share your ideas with the community and learn how to get them on next summer's voting ballot! If you're interested in participating or volunteering at these assemblies, please RSVP here. In the meantime, you can learn more about PB at www.pbevanston.org.
Hope to see you soon!
PB Evanston Info
During Get Out the Vote:
Hi {{ recipient.first_name_or_friend }},
Thanks for signing up to receive updates about Participatory Budgeting in Evanston! Please make sure to:
REGISTER TO VOTE FOR PB: https://forms.office.com/r/AHFNtqf0Va with the city. After you’re registered, you’ll receive an email in September to vote online.
Please forward the registration link to 5 friends to make sure they are also registered, (you can use the email message below, or send the emails to us to send an invitation). We need help getting everyone in Evanston registered to vote!
{{ broadcaster.name }}
P.S.: You can use this email template to reach out to your network:
Hi <<friend>>,
I just registered to vote for Evanston’s Participatory budgeting process: https://forms.office.com/r/AHFNtqf0Va and thought you might want to sign up too.
The city has given us $3m to decide how to spend on affordable housing, environment, education, mental health — anything to make Evanston better. Community members have already submitted and developed ideas, and we’ll vote on which ones to fund this September. You can find out more at pbevanston.org and the City's website including the ideas currently being developed.
Please sign up at https://forms.office.com/r/AHFNtqf0Va!