Welcome to PB Evanston!

We are a group of volunteers who live, work, study & play in Evanston, working to bring participatory budgeting to our community.

Participatory budgeting requires community partners to do outreach, hold ideal collection events, facilitate budget delegate meetings, and run voting locations. PB Evanston leaders help organize volunteers to carry out these roles. PB Evanston leaders and volunteers are what make PB possible.

PB Evanston leaders and volunteers are usually organized into local teams that carry out a one or more specific outreach or facilitation roles. For example an NU grad team works to organize an idea collection event on campus, while a local church group might organize a get out the vote for their congregation.

PB Evanston organizers help leaders build their organizing skills both through community trainings and through courses at Northwestern. This Leadership section of this site will take you through a variety of trainings that will help you be a more effective leader.

Thank you for your dedication for making Evanston a more open democracy!