Voting Event Roles & Reminders
Eligible voters are:
14+ years old
Live, work, study, have a child that studies, or own a business in Evanston.
“Work” includes regular part-time work and volunteering
Budget delegates
Tell voters about your proposals
Tell voter participatory budgeting process
Gently encourage people to vote
No campaigning within 20 feet of the voting area
Sign in volunteer
Ask voters if they want to vote with phone or paper
For paper voting:
provide a paper registration & ballot
direct voters to the voting booth
tell voter to hand completed registration and ballot to data manager
For online registration,
direct people to the online registration instructions / QR code on the online voting instructions
tell voter to see the data manager after they have registered to receive their voting link by email
Data Manager
For paper voting, the data manager should:
receive paper ballots
For online voting, the data manager should:
find the voters registration information in the spreadsheet
transfer the email to the voting software
if the voter has already voted, ask if they want to spoil the previous ballot
send them the link to vote on their phone
Outreach volunteer
After voting:
hand out “I voted” stickers, posters and yard signs
ask voters to write the name and email of other people they think might like to vote