Organize an Idea Collection Assembly
At an Idea Collection Assembly, residents learn about the participatory budgeting process, participate in small group brainstorming session to generate potential ideas to develop into proposals, and sign up to become community representatives/budget delegates.
Inform residents about PB process
Get 10 ideas from each group, try to get the ideas as specific as possible (including need & location)
Recruit budget delegates – look for excited people. if no one steps up, explain importance
Get to know each other and neighbors
4-5 hour to prep
1 hour - setup assembly
2 hours - community assembly
1 hour - wrap up
Staffing the event is one of the biggest challenges for the idea collection event see assembly roles for the different jobs that need to get done. Assemblies are complex events, and unlike a normal event run by employees, you don’t know how many volunteer staff will show up to your event! Ideally you have:
4+ experienced & reliable event organizers: event planner, volunteer manager, volunteer coach, data manager
1-2 event hosts who will facilitate
5-12 trained volunteers to moderate and scribe, recruited from the RSVP list
If you do not have experienced event organizers, start by running a small pilot assembly to practice.
If you do not have enough trained volunteers, run a facilitator training for leadership committee members and volunteers, and invite them to new facilitators to practice at the pilot assembly. You will have to invite/remind your trained volunteers to help out at your event.
Make sure you have sufficient budget for the event. Some of the costs for the event include:
food ($300-600 for 40 people depending on caterer)
room reservation (free to reserve city facilities - would otherwise cost $400-500 to rent)
interpretation ($150 for 2 hours)
childcare ($300 for Open Studios, $50 for individual per event)
transportation vouchers (~$100 per event - about 10 rides)
t-shirts for volunteers (~$150 for 15 t-shirts)
yard signs ($180 for 10 signs)
posters ($100 for 10 posters)
You may also need equipment such as:
office supplies (~$500 - most can be reused)
speaker and microphone (~$400)
laptop projector (~$250)
6-8 easels (~$250)
video cameras/iphone & phones for interviewing or recording tables
equipment backpack(s)
Idea Collection Assembly Planning Template - use to plan your idea collection assembly with the PB Manager
Reserve room — reserve a community facility as soon as possible, at least a month in advance. Make sure to schedule a room with an hour to set up before the event and 30 minutes to tear down after the event.
To reserve a community center room, contact the building manager or manager of the location you would like to reserve. Most City locations have a different process for reserving rooms:
Ecology Center: fill out a room rental form (~$400)
Fleetwood: call (~$500)
Gibbs Morrison: call
Noyes: call
Robert Crown: fill out a room rental form (~$400)
Northwestern locations can be reserved through the partner’s departmental reservation system
Restaurants & bars often have private spaces that can be reserved events (like Koi)
Arrange interpretation
Use the LARC interpreter request form to request interpreters as early as possible. Must make a request 2 business days in advance of the event. As soon as you receive one request for interpretation, submit a request for that language. LARC bills monthly.
EC2C has headsets for simultaneous interpretation.
Arrange childcare — request childcare as soon as possible after RSVP request and a minimum of 2 business days in advance. Email Open Studios Project to request child care. If any are younger than 3, we will need extra support. If Open Studio’s project is unavailable, or there are children younger than 3, you may be able to recruit childcare providers from the daycare at Robert Crown.
Arrange transportation voucher — Create a Lyft pass using the Lyft Business platform. Set restrictions around time, and location of the event. Then filter the RSVP sheet to see who requested transportation vouchers. There are several ways to send a Lyft pass; email, phone number, QR code, link. Send Lyft pass to participants using emails 1-2 days before the event.
Order food — Order food once time & place of event is set. Ask the event host what food they would like to have at their event. Then call restaurants and place the order. Right now we are having the food be 50-60% vegan/vegetarian and 40-50% meat-based. In certain events, we have a higher proportion of vegan/vegetarian. See the list of local DefaultVeg caterers, and please follow a Default Veg catering policy.
Order t shirts — Order T-Shirts a month in advance. Local vendor Anchorfish does 50 t-shirts with 1 color costs for about $530. Probably want to make sure you have about 20 shirts in multiple sizes for each event depending on how many volunteers already have shirts.
Print yard signs and posters to give out and distribute.
Video projectors to show the PB slides & video — ask for facility to provide
Lectern or laptop stand — ask for facility to provide
Microphone & speaker — may not be available at facility
Video projector adaptor
Video camera (iPhone) & microphone for interviewing & taking pictures
Easels - 5+, 1 for each table unless posters can be hung on walls
(optional) GoPro cameras for recording table discussions
Backpack for supplies
Plastic storage bin for t-shirts - organize by size
Lanyards — 20+, to hold role cards — fit card size 4.5’’ x 3.15’’
3-ring binders - 10, 1 for the Volunteer Manager materials & 1 for the Data Manager materials & 1 for each table to hold the Room Manager materials
Clear sheet protectors - 100, to hold printed materials
Large 3-ring pencil pouch - 16, for each table packet, 1 pouch for holding pens, pencils, dot stickers, and 1 pouch for role cards
Masking tape for flip chart paper
Clear tape for posters
Name tags - 50-100, enough for each participant
Scissors or paper guillotine to cut role cards (and dot stickers if necessary)
Organize the following into packets for each table:
Flip chart paper - 20+ sheets, 2 for each table
Sharpies - 10+, 1 for each table and 2 for sign-in table
Pens - 50-100, 1 for each participant for brainstorming; also for greeter, sign-in, volunteer lead
Dot stickers — 200, 3 for each participant, about 24 for each table
Create a binder with the following for the Event Planner:
Role cards (updated Feb 2, 2023) — 1 set (some cards require multiple copies), print and put into lanyards
RSVP list template — create list of people who have RSVP’d for event who are already in NationBuilder. Download names from RSVP and add to template, marking who has volunteered to help.
Participant sign up sheet (updated Dec 8, 2022) — 4+, enough for signing in participants who didn’t RSVP and (optionally) for canvassing passersby
Volunteer & Participant Assignment sheet — 1 for each event
Posters — 5-10, to hang up around the event and direct people to the room
(optional) Handbills — 20-40, to canvas passersby
Moderator & scribe guide - 1 per table
Create 8 binders with the following materials for the Room manager, organized into a packet for each table:
Table checklist (updated Jan 16, 2023) - 1 per folder
Table # tents - 1 per folder
Facilitation Guide - print out the procedure below for moderator if desired - 1 per folder
Idea brainstorming sheet (updated Dec 15) – 8+ per folder, 1 for each participant at the table
Idea collection event survey (updated Dec 9) – 4+ per folder, 1 for each participant at the table who doesn’t have cell phone
Delegate sign up sheet (updated Jan 16, 2023) – 2+ per folder
City map – 1 per folder
How to digitize ideas (updated Dec 15) - 2+ per folder
Pen pouch with: 9 pens, 1 sharpie, dot stickers
Pen pouch with role cards placed in lanyards for: moderator, scribe, time keeper, survey collector
Video explaining PB
Real Money, Real Power: Participatory Budgeting (Spanish subtitles)
Real Money, Real Power: Participatory Budgeting (Portuguese subtitles)
Real Money, Real Power: Participatory Budgeting (French subtitles)
Real Money, Real Power: Participatory Budgeting (Chinese subtitles)
Real Money, Real Power: Participatory Budgeting (Extended Version)
Icebreakers - choose an icebreaker for facilitators to use
Email Templates
Email templates: Recruiting - use to invite participants and volunteers to the idea collection event
Email templates: RSVP confirmation - use when participants and volunteers RSVP to the idea collection event
Email templates: Reminder - use to remind participants and volunteers to attend the idea collection event
Email templates: Thank you - use to thank volunteers for attending the idea collection event
Watch the first to videos about how community assemblies (and learn about PB if you haven’t already). If you want to see more detailed examples, you can watch the examples:
2 months before
Meet with PB Manager <> about planning the event, using the Idea Collection Assembly Planning Template.
Develop an event plan
Setup RSVP form for volunteers
Note: the City is using a single RSVP form for all attendees (e.g., participants, volunteers) — make sure to direct volunteers to fill out this form once they express their interest in volunteering in the RSVP form you set up. This is important, especially if your volunteers need transportation or childcare support.
Train canvassers to help you recruit participants and volunteers
1 Month before
Outreach to community to attend and volunteer at the idea collection assembly by:
sharing PB - use these email templates to email friends, neighbors and colleagues, (see Email templates: Recruiting & Email templates: RSVP)
flyering - print and distribute flyers, hangers, yard signs
canvassing - setup tabling event or door-to-door canvassing
ask partners to help you advertise, sign people up at meetings, or bring people to an event
Train facilitators to lead the small group discussions
2 weeks before
arrange childcare
recruit interpreter
setup transportation vouchers
verify facilitators and volunteers -- ideally 1 facilitator and 1 notetaker for each 6-8 participants
1 week before
buy supplies & organize into packets for tables
print out materials and organize into binders
order food
call/email/text participants a reminder — calling will increase participation the most, (see Email templates: Reminder)
Make sure critical roles filled: Event Manager, Volunteer Manager; Volunteer Coach, Data Manager, & Media Interview
1 day before
call/email/text participants to remind them (see Email templates: Reminder)
charge batteries
Idea Collection Assembly Procedure
1 hour before
As volunteers and participants arrive, use the role cards to assign people different jobs for the assembly.
Volunteer Manager & Volunteer Coach assign and prepare volunteers as they arrive
Event planner, Volunteer Manager, Data Manager, Volunteer Coach setup small group tables
Arrange tables & chairs for small groups of 6-8
Post up flip chart paper and easels by each table & pens for scribe
Place table materials folder on each table (with printouts, supplies, role cards, etc.)
Arrange brainstorming sheets and pens around table for each participant
Arrange moderator and scribe materials
Setup welcome table
Arrange table and 2 chairs near entrance
At Data Manager/Sign-in chair arrange:
Participant and Volunteer RSVP sign-in sheet
Walk-in sign-in sheet
name tags
3 pens
2 sharpies
At Volunteer Manager chair arrange:
Volunteer & Participant Assignment Sheet
Moderator Setup instructions
Scribe Setup instructions
Role cards that aren’t assigned or for tables
Setup signage
assign a greeter if appropriate
post up flyers directing people to the room if necessary
Setup lectern
Check presentation technology
Arrange food
Assign facilitators, scribes, timekeepers & surveyors to each group
I. Introduction to participatory budgeting (15 min)
Use the slides to introduce participatory budgeting including:
Welcome everyone for coming
Explain purpose of the meeting is to brainstorm ideas
Show video of PB
Share current timeline
Explain project eligibility & ARPA
Explain that they can get more involved by signing up to be budget delegates
II. Q&A (10min)
Ask participants if they have any questions. This can get off track so try to focus participants on understanding the process.
III. Form Groups (15 minutes)
. Ask each facilitator and notetaker to go to their small group station
Break participants in groups of about 6-8 and ask them to go to a station
Facilitators introduce themselves and ask each participant to share their name, their ward and one interesting fact.
Facilitators lead the group though a short icebreaker
IV. Brainstorming (45 min)
Ask participants to spend 5 minutes writing as many ideas as they can
Ask participants to go around the circle and share their favorite idea with the group, add it to the chart. Continue until you have at least 10 ideas.
Ask participants to rank their top 3 ideas using markers or dot stickers.
Flesh out the top 3 ideas in a little more detail.
Ask participants if they are willing to sign up to be community representatives who will turn ideas into proposals. Explain that this is an important part of the process because ideas have to be developed into full proposals to make it onto the ballot.
Ask one of the participants to volunteer to report back the top 3 ideas to the group.
Ask participants to fill out the survey
V. Report back and next steps (15 min)
Ask everyone to return their attention to the large group
Ask volunteer from each group to share their top 3 ideas
Ask each group who will volunteer to be community representative
VI. Collect sign-up sheets & surveys (5 min)
Thank participants for coming and ask them to make sure to turn in their sign-up forms
Collect sign-up forms from participants
Collect ideas from facilitators — take a picture of the ideas before taking the flipchart papers down
If appropriate, ask facilitators input data
VII. Tear down
Make sure that Data Manager has:
paper surveys
budget delegate sign up sheets
RSVP sign-in sheet
walk-in sign-in sheet
idea posters
photos of idea posters
Clean up
(Optional) Volunteer coach can interview participants on camera
After the Idea Collection Assembly
I. Thank you messages
Send out thank you note to volunteers (see Email Templates: Thank you)
Send thank you to participants with opportunities about next steps for getting involved, such as signing up to be a budget delegate or leadership committee member.
II. Finish up
Make sure Data Manager has recorded/uploaded sign-ins, budget delegates, surveys, photo and video
Restock binders (see Materials: Supplies, Printing)
Replace equipment (see Materials: Equipment)
Restock swag
Recharge batteries
III. Reflect
Debrief assembly with team
Update evaluation report
IV. Share
Publicize successful event on website & social media