Training: Public narrative

How do we motivate our community to take action?  Public narrative uses stories to connect people's interests to the goals of collective action to motivate them to action.

Learning objectives

  • new members can deliver their own public narrative.


  • 2-3 hours to develop narrative

  • 5 minutes for each person to share the narrative



A week before the training:

  • Assign new members to watch this example public narrative: and ask them to identify moments where the speaker is sharing a story of self, us, & now. Content warning: this story of self includes a story of a suicide.

Before the training:

  • check AV

  • send copies of workbook for participants to edit on their laptop (or prepare printed version)


I. Develop the narrative

1. Split participants into groups of 2 or three so they can get feedback on parts of their public narrative.

2. Use the slides to walk participants through the workbook.

II. Schedule time to present

1. After the training, schedule a time for each member to deliver their public narrative to other members, in public, etc.

III. Present narrative

1. Have each new member deliver their public narrative to a group. Make sure to encourage them for sharing.

IV. Reflection

Ask each new member to write down:

  • What you learned from the training

  • A rating from 1-5 about how well the training helped them learn.

  • At least 1 I-like & I-wish about the training.

You should also write a short reflection on:

  • What you did, what worked well, what didn’t work well, and what you will change about the training next time.